Glimpses from actress Areeba Habib's wedding ceremony have been grabbing all the attention on the internet. However the Pakistani star's husband's affectionate nature portrayed during snippets from the function are being supremely acknowledged.
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There a couple of videos circulating on social media which showcase Areeba's better half giving her sweet kisses on cheek and forehead. During one update, Areeba and her husband have been found sitting on the stage when suddenly the newly married man makes an attempt to kiss his bride on the cheek.
Whereas in another update, there is a wedding ritual being observed during which the happy groom once again becomes quite the perfect husband by pecking Areeba on her head.
Areeba Habib's baraat/nikkah attire is quite captivating. The actress chose to dress up like the ultimate Pakistani bride and due to her being exceptionally blessed in the beauty area, Areeba looks like a dream in all of the snippets emerging from her wedding ceremony.
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Here we have compiled all the videos/pictures which are circulating on the internet featuring actress Areeba Habib getting married: