Bollywood star Katrina Kaif has been spotted beaming with utter joy while celebrating New Year 2025 along with husband Vicky Kaushal in a romantic setting and fans couldn’t help but gush over her beauty and Vicky Kaushal’s excellent photography skills.
Katrina Kaif posted a series of pictures on her Instagram handle from her New Year celebration which featured the actress flaunting a bright smile for the camera, standing against the backdrop of beautiful palm trees with plants on both sides. It was followed by a candid click of the actress, with the third one concluding with a glimpse of a beach with ‘2025’ written in LED lights.
"2024 (END emoji) 2025 (dizzy emoji) Happy New Year!!!" the post was captioned. In the pictures, the actress looked ethereal in a white short dress with black polka dots on it. She tied her hair in a ponytail and sported a minimal make-up look. Each picture of the actress exuded nothing but pure charm and grace.