After her nude videos were leaked on social media, Pakistani tiktoker and queen of controversies Hareem Shah in a statement accused her female friends, Sandal Khattak and Ayesha Naz, of leaking her videos due to the differences she developed with them.
Amid all this, everyone was waiting for Hareem’s husband Bilal Shah reaction, who had kept the mum on the controversy.
He broke his silence on the controversy and made it very clear that he backs his wife since she is innocent.
Lamenting the data breach of his wife, Bilal Shah vowed to stand by Hareem through difficult times even when he was advised against it.
He said: “In my eyes, they have done a very ungraceful thing. After we land in Pakistan, we will take every legal action which could be taken against them. A lot of people have been calling and texting me about being a person with no honour, and that I should leave my wife. Those who are calling me names are themselves dishonourable and ignoble. I am only answerable to Almighty Allah. If I leave her, it will be an injustice to her. I will never leave her in this hour of extreme need.”
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