Bollywood couple Aishwarya Roy and Abhishek Bachchan, who have been subjected to divorce or separation for a long time, have lately enjoyed an idyllic vacation time and New Year celebration together which has given calm and delight to their massive fans, leading to believe that their relationship is finally ‘back on track’ now. Their adorable daughter Aaradhya also accompanied them throughout the journey.
Abhishek, on arrival in the country, was seen in a jovial mood as he guided Aishwarya inside the car. Aaradhya, too, was peppy and even wished a very happy new year to the paps who were stationed outside the airport to record the family's return.
Abhishek, for the day, was dressed in a grey-hued sweatshirt paired with black trousers, and Aishwarya was also in an oversized sweat set with black leggings. Aaradhya, on the other hand, looked cute in a blue hoodie paired with light-wash denim and a black headband. The family happily waved to the paps and got in their car.
Well, a video from the event was enough to prove how protective of a husband and father Abhishek is as he was seen losing his calm over the shutterbugs as they tried to click the mom-daughter duo's photos after they entered the car and exited the event. In the video, Abhishek was seen bidding goodbye to his wife, Aishwarya, mother-in-law, Brinda Rai, and daughter, Aaradhya, from outside of the car. Shutterbugs started creating a clamour and even pushed each other to click their photos. Well, Abhishek lost his calm and snapped at the photographer, stating that they shouldn't behave like this. Abhishek can be heard saying, 'Chillao maat' to the paps, who then apologized.