Indian tennis ace and wife of Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik, Sania Mirza joined a trend of celebrating friendship day with her pregnant sister Anam Mirza. They both were filmed dancing on Janey Kiyun by singer Vishal Shekhar.
On Friendship day Sania shared her memories of joy and love with her sister on her latest reel on Instagram. The video contained different beautiful moments they spent together.
She tells her fans that she was only seven years old when her sister was born that later had become her best friend and she couldn’t be doing alright without her.
She expresses the amount of love for her on sharing most of her adoring moments in a video where fans can witness them dancing together even at the times Anam Mirza was pregnant or when there was a moment of sadness; they have always been together as best friends are supposed to. She also shared the time they had celebrations of different events while wearing same costumes or designs. The expression of such bond left the fans heartfelt the moment of love between the sisters who are best friends.