Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry Friday said that the government had decided to present the contents of the threat letter, which purportedly contains "evidence" of a foreign conspiracy hatched to oust Prime Minister Imran Khan, in the National Assembly tomorrow and had also constituted a commission to probe the alleged conspiracy.
At a media talk after the federal cabinet meeting, he claimed that "original records of the cipher, only available with the government, would be kept in front of the parliament".
"If even after that, they [the opposition] want to go with the no-confidence vote, then the people of Pakistan will decide who's standing where," Chaudhry said.
He said that Lieutenant General (retd) Tariq Khan will probe the "threat letter" — sent allegedly from the United States.
Fawad said the commission would present its report within 90 days after it investigates how many dissident MPs were in contact with foreign powers.
"We have evidence of eight dissident MPAs being in contact with foreign dignitaries. The commission will look at a connection between local handlers and regime change."
The commission was formed after the Supreme Court ruled that Prime Minister Imran Khan's move to dissolve parliament was unconstitutional and ordered lawmakers to return — a decision that could spell the end of his premiership.
The information and law minister said the parliament's supremacy had been transferred to the Supreme Court as he urged the apex court to review its decision.
Fawad said the top court and the parliament have their separate functions and announced that the PTI-led government was mulling filing a review petition against the SC's decision.