Nepra has approved an Rs10.80 per unit cut in December’s fuel charge adjustment of K-Electric, the 24NewsHD TV channel reported on Thursday.
The authority also issued a notification, stating that K Electric made a request for a reduction of Rs10.6 per unit.
The authority held a public hearing on January 31 and approved the reduction. It will be applicable for one month only, Nepra said, adding that stressing that it will not apply to lifeline customers, domestic customers up to 300 units and agricultural customers.
For October’s FCA, Nepra decided to refund Rs2.456 per unit to consumers in their December bills and it was being paid back and had a total impact of Rs4.11 billion on the company.
This would be the fifth month in a row since July 2022 the regulator has instructed the K-Electric to reimburse the consumers’ specified per-unit charges.