Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah on Saturday said 1,080 new coronavirus cases were reported in the province during the past 24 hours, representing the highest number of infections ever recorded in a day.
He said a total of 5,498 tests were conducted during the past 24 hours and the ratio of positive cases was 20 percent.
In a statement, Murad described the 246 cases reported in Pir Jo Goth as an alarming development and said a strict lockdown had been ordered in the area.
People would have to understand how serious the situation is, the chief minister remarked.
Separately, Murad chaired a meeting to review the situation developing out of the locust attack and said the federal government had been requested to carry out aerial spray at the earliest.
He warned the locust swarms will destroy the new crops if the Centre didn’t conduct aerial spray in Tharparkar, Umarkot, Sanghar, Shaheed Benazirabad, Ghotki and other areas.
Speaking on the occasion, Agriculture Minister Ismail Rahu said the provincial government had conducted spray on the land in various districts to eliminate the insects.