Imran Khan lays stress on following teachings of Islam
October 10, 2022 12:46 AM
Former prime minister Imran Khan has stressed the need for following Islamic teachings to cope with challenges.
A person who follows the Sunnah becomes a great person, and a nation that follows the principles of the state of Madinah becomes a great nation, he said in his address at the Rehmatulil Aalameen Conference in Islamabad on Eid Miladun Nabi.
He said he wanted to tell the youth about his life-changing moment, saying that following the teachings of Islam brings a big change to in life.
“Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought the biggest revolution in history. There is a need to make our students aware of Seeratun Nabi,
"he said adding that he is not a scholar but he can talk about his experiences.
He highlighted the need of dispensing justice and rule of law. He laid emphasis on following in the footsteps of the Pakistan Movement leaderless and having faith in the Almighty.
He said fear is the biggest barrier to the achievement of a person. The PTI chief said that after studying Seerat-un-Nabi PBUH, his internal fear has vanished.
He said he has earned more honour despite smearing and political persecution by opponents during the last six months.
Imran Khan said that he has never witnessed the supremacy of law in Pakistan as compared to other countries like Britain and Switzerland.
He said that poor people were trapped in jails but the rich people walk free. Pakistan can come out of all crises after following the teachings of Islam, he added.