Bollywood star Sonakshi Sinha has just lost her cool at paps for persistently following her during a promotional event in Mumbai. The actress in a video can be heared saying: "Guys, bas karo! Ho gaya, ho gaya." (stop it guys, its all done)
A video has emerged on social media, which shows Sonakshi losing her cool and scolding the photographers, asking them to give her some space to move around freely while heading towards the venue in order to join husband, Zaheer Ahmed.
"Guys, bas karo! Ho gaya, ho gaya," an irritated Sonakshi was seen telling the photographers as they surrounded her. She then asked them to allow her to move out, following which she joined her husband Zaheer Iqbal inside the venue.
For the outing, Sonakshi wore black attire, completing her look with minimal makeup along with winged eyeliner. Zaheer coordinated with Sonakshi and was seen in a black outfit.