Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma on Sunday shared a stunning new photo of herself as she cradles her baby bump. Anushka and Virat Kohli are expecting their first child together.
The beautiful actress took to Instagram and shared her new photo with a caption: “Nothing is more real & humbling than experiencing creation of life in you. When this is not in your control then really what is.”
Commenting on the post, Virat wrote: “My whole world in one frame.”
Anushka and Virat announced pregnancy on August 27. Sharing a picture of themselves, they wrote: “And then, we were three! Arriving Jan 2021.”
Anushka and Virat got married in a private ceremony in Italy’s Lake Como in December 2017. Anushka and 31-year-old Kohli first met on the sets of a commercial and dated for four years before getting married.