Amidst the swirling marriage rumours with fellow star Kubra Khan, actor Gohar Rasheed’s Nikah video surfaced online, adding more salt to the all. Fans are screaming that Kubra and Gohar have got nikkahfied secretly but the fact about the same is still under the wrap.
In the viral video, grabbing the spotlight on all over social media one can spot Gohar Rasheed dressed in a white shalwar Kameez, seated before a nikkah registrar: whereas, fellow stars director Bilal Lashari and actor Hamza Ali Abbasi also accompanied him at that moment.
The nikkah video, however, does not clarify whether it pertains to Gohar Rasheed’s own wedding or another ceremony. Many have claimed the above-mentioned video belongs to Hamza Ali Abbas’s nikkah ceremony.
It is important to mention that As per swirling speculations, Pakistani stars Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed who have been in dating rumors for years, are all set to tie the knot as they have started their wedding preparations in Karachi.
The abovementioned gossip emerged when the male star Gohar Rasheed uploaded a fun video on the Instagram handle with the caption: "Bismillah 2025, warming up.” In the shared video one can spot Gohar and Kubra having a great fun time with pals while eating, yelling, and cheering each other. We cannot help but detect at least, they all were gathered there for dance practices for wedding.