Pakistani TikToker Sehar Hayat got married to singer Sami Rasheed a month ago. Yesterday, the couple celebrated their first nikah anniversary. The duo took their Instagram handles and posted the pictures of first month’s Nikah photoshoot. Sehar arranged a beautiful setup and posed with her husband Sami Rasheed. She wore a beautiful red dress while Sami was wearing a black dress. They celebrated the one month of their marital bliss.
Our First Month Nikah Ceremony,” both captioned their pictures.
Here are their pictures:
Sami Rasheed is a musician by profession and also makes Tiktok videos.
Both are frequently seen with each other at different events. Thy also make vlogs of their daily routine. Their Rukhsti is expected at the end of this year.
Pertinent to note that Sehar Hayat found her true love after two failed relationships.
Sehar made the headlines for his relationships and controversies. She used to make videos with Tiktoker Ali Butt and both were very close to each other, then they stopped making videos together and said that they were just good friends. Following that breakup, Sehar got engaged to another Tiktoker Saif Khan in a lavish ceremony who was also the cousin of Jannat Mirza. Later that engagement was also called off and Sehar said that was just a birthday celebration and prank.
She also made headlines for her dispute with Kashee's Salon, where Sehar claimed that Kashee's employees had tried to harass her.