Accomplished couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are set to host a 'Griha Pravesh' ceremony with their kids, Vamika and Akaay, for their new house in Alibaug. spread over 8000 sq feet. The cricketer gave a short home tour of the lavish mansion which has grabbed all eyes.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli's holiday home was built by Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects (SAOTA) led by Phillippe Fouche. The couple acquired the home back in 2022 for about Rs. 19 crores with a stamp duty of Rs. 36 lakhs. As per reports, the villa features a modern kitchen, four bathrooms, a jacuzzi, a sprawling garden, a temperature-controlled pool, covered parking, staff quarters, and more. The property has Italian marble, pristine stones, and Turkish limestones.
In a video, Virat Kohli shared that the villa appealed to him for its privacy amenities. It had adequate sunlight coming in and had greenery all around which made it a perfect fit on top of that the mansion has a spa right next to it with easy access to the outdoors.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli's Alibaug home's housewarming ceremony preps in full swing. The anticipation is palpable as a video went viral on social media, where men were seen loading the ferry to Alibaug with bags containing pooja essentials. Another video showed a priest sitting on the ferry. The preparation is reportedly for the Griha Pravesh ceremony that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli will hold for their new abode.