Bollywood star Tamannaah Bhatia, who consistently makes headlines for her glamorous and casual outfits, delivered yet another look to admire. The star has been spotted rocking in a white crop top with ‘Uyii Amma’ written on it while having a fun date night with beau Vijay Varma.
The adorable white crop top features a round neckline, short sleeves, and a fitted bodice, the top hugged her figure in all the right places, perfectly flaunting her well-maintained physique. Her choice of attire struck the perfect balance between low-key and elegant.
Styling her look, the actress opted for dark high-waist jeans. Designed with sleek silhouettes, the jeans gave her a polished yet comfortable appearance.
In one of the videos, Tammannah has been spotted being surrounded by paps for photographs session while heading towards card after the movie night.
Tammannah Bhatia nowadays, garnering immense popularity after her sizzling dance actions to top trending song Aaj Ki Raat.