The per-tola price of 24-karat gold increased by Rs1,600 and was sold at Rs245,600 on Thursday compared to its sale at Rs244,000 on the previous trading day.
The price of 10 grams of 24-karat gold also increased by Rs1,371 to Rs210,562 from Rs209,191 whereas the prices of 10-gram 22-karat gold went up to Rs193,016 from Rs191, 758, the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association reported.
The price of per-tola silver increased by Rs80 to Rs2,730 whereas that of 10-gram silver went up by Rs68.59 to Rs2,340.53.
The price of gold in the international market increased by $25 to $2,390 from $2,365, the association reported.