One of the favorite Bollywood stars and real-life couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer have once again booked all eyes on social media after marking ravishing attendance in stunning traditional attires during a family wedding: however, their little munchkin Dua Padukone was reportedly sleeping at home.
In a short glimpse, we spotted Deepika looking gorgeous in a white-hued anarkali with ‘butti’ work on the hem. She styled it with a rani pink ‘bandhani’ dupatta, which accentuated her overall look. The gorgeous mom accessorized her look with a polki neckpiece. Subtle makeup with hair tied in a bun and adorned with gajra completed her look.
On the other hand, Ranveer was also dressed up in a sequinned kurta. However, we loved the way Ranveer helped Deepika sit in the car and ensured that her outfit was neatly tucked inside the car.
A while ago, Deepika and Ranveer hosted a small gathering for the media in their building. They even introduced their daughter, Dua, to the photographers and made it look like a family event. Talking about Deepika's look, she was dressed up in a nude-toned halter-neck gown with ruffled detailing at the hem. She radiated the post-pregnancy glow and looked stunning. On the other hand, Ranveer was dressed up in a white-hued crisp shirt with matching pants.