Veteran actress Saba Faisal recently opened up about how she manages to maintain harmony in her household by setting strict boundaries for domestic staff.
She appeared as a guest on Ahmed Ali Akbar's podcast and shared her concerns about the potential role house help play in causing conflict within families through miscommunication.
Saba revealed that she has implemented a firm rule at home, stating, “Househelp are not allowed to talk to one another.”
Further, she said, “I immediately snub anyone [househelp] who tries to sympathize with me.”
Highlighting the importance of fairness within her family, she added, “All my children, including my daughters-in-law, are equal to me.” Saba also mentioned that she strictly warns her staff against speaking ill of her children to other family members.
During the conversation, host Ahmad Ali Butt suggested that a drama should be made on the topic, to which Saba responded, “They [househelp] are responsible for ruining a family.” She explained that unresolved miscommunication can lead to long-term resentment within households.
What Saba Faisal Learnt From Her Viral Video
Saba spoke about the controversy with her daughter-in-law Neha. She said that she was emotional and made a video against her which is the biggest regret of her life. She was candid and said that a person can learn from their mistakes and that is what she did.
She said that it was a very hurtful time and therefore she did something like uploading the video. But getting your anger taken over and sharing something personal is very wrong. She learned a lot from that incident that one should also look at things from the other party’s point of view. She added that she changed herself, her thoughts, and her principles as one should never let their ego win and one should be flexible if one loves their family.
Here is the full coverage of the podcast show: