Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor has expressed frustration at paparazzi for filming every action of their family particularly a video in which staff can be seen carrying some toys for her son Jeh and Taimur, during the crucial time when husband Saif Ali Khan was hospitalized for suffering stab wounds in burglary attack at his Bandra residence.
Recently, several IG pages have dropped a clip, wherein two toy cars were seen being carried to Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's home. In the videos, it was stated that those toys were for the couple's sons, Taimur and Jeh. Well, it didn't go down well with Kareena during this tough time, thus, she reacted angrily. Taking to her IG handle, she re-shared the clip and penned a note, wherein she expressed her frustration with the way their privacy is being breached in this tough time. Kareena has deleted the post instantly. Her note can be read as: "Stop this now. Have a heart. Leave us alone for God's sake."
Kareena Kapoor revealed what happened to Saif Ali Khan when he was stabbed six times
After Saif Ali Khan's situation was a bit stable, Kareena Kapoor recorded her statement. In her statement, Kareena shared that the intruder didn't steal anything, while Saif wanted to save Jehangir, and the attacker was out of the little one's reach. The actress mentioned that her husband tried to save his kids and women in the house. Kareena also remarked that she was scared, and her sister, Karisma, then took her to her home.