Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has said that PTI’s civil disobedience call has fallen flat and not a single Pakistani has stopped sending remittances to the country, reported 24NewsHDTV channel.
Talking to media, Kh Asif said PTI youtubers sued to cry day and night that PTI founder Imran Khan will be out of jail next day but there is no such news at all. He said Pakistan nation takes bath with hot water therefore they cannot afford to stop the payment of electricity and gas bills.
He said Elon Musk has never spoken positive about Pakistan. Khawaja Asif said Pakistan and US has special ties and Pakistan will look to the US in that context. Defence Minister said he was not against the formation of judicial commission but he has raised objections over the language and attitude of PTI leadership.
Khawaja Asif said today PTI was asking for the commission to probe May 9 and November 26 incidents but issue of May 9 had been resolved as the arrested PTI workers have accepted that they carried out the attacks deliberately.