Bollywood’s popular couple Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan, who just tied the knot in December 2023, and faced criticism for their significant age difference, have once again grabbed attention for the same reason, but this time, the stunning Sshura has calmed the minds passionate to know about their heights and ages: however, regarding the age gap the lady lauded “Age is just a number.”
Sshura Khan did an ‘Ask me a question’ session on her Instagram handle during which she answered various questions regarding her personal life: however, one of the followers asked the lady about the age and height difference between her and her husband, Arbaaz Khan which she responded honestly.
Sshura Khan wrote: “Arbaaz is 5'10 and I am 5’1 And age is just a number”
Before Sshura, Arbaaz was asked for his opinion on the age gap between him and his wife. Although, the exact age difference between the couple isn't known. In response to the rumours, the actor-producer stated in an interview with The Indian Express that he and Sshura loved each other and knew what they wanted. Also, he clarified that their wedding was not a sudden event. He was quoted saying:
“Though my wife is much younger than me, it is not like she is 16 years old. She knew what she wanted in her life, and I knew what I wanted in my life. We spent a lot of time together in that one year to really see what we expect out of each other, what do we want, and how are we looking at our future. Such decisions are not made in a hurry.”
Sshura Khan and Arbaaz Khan spends much time together, having special romantic moments. The couple are head over heels in love and often go on dinner dates and late-night drives. A few days ago, Sshura shared a video on Instagram where Arbaaz Khan was seen signing on their late-night drive. She captioned the post writing:
“Magic. Night drives”
Sshura Khan and Arbaaz Khan married in an intimate ceremony on December 24, 2023, at Arbaaz's sister, Arpita Khan Sharma's residence in Mumbai. Arbaaz Khan's family members, including brothers, Salman and Sohail Khan, attended the wedding. Also, other close friends of the couple, like actress Raveena Tandon, marked their presence.