Mehrabpur police have taken an unusual step by nominating a 12-year-old fourth-grade student in a terrorism and obstruction of official duties case.
The child, identified as Owais Rajput, son of Asghar Rajput, is a primary school student. His impoverished parents were seen in court seeking bail for their innocent son.
The parents stated that the Mehrabpur police have jeopardised their child's future. "Owais is a student, not a terrorist. The police registered a false and baseless case against our son on the orders of influential individuals," they said.
The terrorism case was lodged at the behest of a tax superintendent, alleging that Owais attacked the administration during an anti-encroachment operation.
Mehrabpur is a city in the Naushahro Feroze District of Sindh province, Pakistan. It is administratively divided into eight Union Councils and hosts a bustling railway station on the main Karachi-Lahore line.
Reporter: Aamir Malik