Popular Bollywood star Ameesha Patel has finally addressed her long-term wedding rumors with celebrated Pakistani singer and Best buddy Imran Abbas which emerged after their mushy photos surfaced online. Refuting the rumors completely, the star said: “We are just good friends, nothing more.”
Recently, Ameesha Patel sat for an interview with Pinkvilla's Hindi Rush where she was asked if she had been dating Imran Abbas.
Talking about the same, Ameesha shared that buzz about her personal life and Imran Abbas has been going on for several years now, but the wedding never happened. Claiming that they are just friends, nothing more.
In Ameesha's words: "This has been going on for the past two or three years. Did any marriage happen? We meet at events, especially functions abroad. We are good friends, nothing more. People just need an opportunity to gossip. If two good-looking people are seen together, rumours start. He’s single, I’m single, and people begin manifesting a wedding that doesn’t exist, leading to these rumors. That’s why they are called rumors.”