Bollywood star Deepika Padukone is quite well-known for grabbing public attention. The star has lately been spotted exuding an uncanny resemblance with veteran star Rekha during her latest walk at ramp on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the popular brand Sabyasachi.
After embracing motherhood, Deepika Padukone appeared on ramp for the very first time and it has just taken the internet by storm not for her stunning attendance but due to the sheer reflection of senior star Rekha. For the occasion, she was draped in a monochromatic cream ensemble featuring trousers, a trench coat, and a chic shirt. Her look was completed with opulent layered necklaces, a ruby-and-diamond choker, black leather gloves, and an elegant headband.
Deepika’s striking transformation had fans doing a double take, with many wondering if they were witnessing a reincarnation of Rekha’s timeless elegance. Social media has been buzzing with comments like “Is it Deepika or Rekha? I thought she was Rekha!” and “Deepika can totally nail Rekha’s biopic.”