Renowned singer Talha Anjum paid a surprise visit to Occean Mall to watch his action-packed movie “Cutter Karachi,” which is being screened in Cine Max Cinema, which is also the last movie of the year 2024, in Karachi, reported the 24NewsHD TV channel on Sunday.
On his arrival at the mall, Talha Anjum was warmly received by his fans.
Speaking on this occasion, singer Talha Anjum thanked his fans for their positive response and appreciating the movie.
Representative of Cine Max Cinema Mohammad Haseeb said that these stories will play vital role in promoting the cinema industry in the country.
Singer Talha Anjum also expressed his pleasure after meeting his fans and their appreciation.
Actor Imran Ashraf and actress Kinza Hashmi also played main roles in the movie, which is currently on screen in cinemas across the country.
Reporter: Syed Zubair Rashid