Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan’s medical reports have revealed startling details which have effortlessly raised many eyebrows on social media. Claiming that the actor reached the hospital after two hours of being stabbed not with his son Taimur but along with his manager and friend, Afsar Zaidi.
As per the recent IANS update, Saif's medical report discloses that he was admitted to the hospital at 4:11 a.m. For the unversed, the attack took place around 2.30 am in the night, and reportedly the hospital is 10-15 minutes away from Saif's house, where the incident took place.
However, the alleged medical report of Saif, which was shared by IANS, stated that the actor was admitted to the hospital by his manager and friend, Afsar Zaidi. There has been confusion about who took Saif to the hospital. At first, it was reported that Ibrahim Ali Khan had taken Saif to hospital, but doctors shared that it was Taimur. Later, police revealed that Afsar was the one to accompany Saif to the hospital, and when he was asked about the same, he refused to make any kind of comment on it.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's different statements raised questions
On the other hand, it was reported by Moneycontrol that Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan might sit for a joint statement, as their different remarks on the accident have raised questions around. Reportedly, Saif, in his statement to police, said that he and Kareena were on the 11th floor, and they rushed to the scene when they heard Jeh's nanny screaming. Saif also added that despite he got stabbed, he somehow managed to push the intruder into the home. On the other hand, Kareena, allegedly in her statement, said that she rushed from the 12th floor to the 11th floor and saw Saif and the attacker fighting with one another.