One of the favorite megastars Shah Rukh Khan has shared an adorable moment with one of his diehard fans requesting to touch him publicly during the latest event in Dubai. Teasing lovingly to the fan over the stage, the king says: “Hey we can marry after this. It does not happen like this, I also feel shy.”
A heart-melting video emerged on social media in which one can spot a die-hard fan of Shah Rukh Khan playfully teasing him by saying, "I love you" to which the King Khan responded in his signature charming style.
Saying, "We can marry after this." The fan then expressed a desire to touch him, to which SRK, visibly amused, responded, "Arey, ye sab baatein public mein... mujhe sharam aati hai. (Oh, don’t say such things in public)."
This isn’t the first time Shah Rukh Khan has won hearts with his sweet interactions with fans. Known for his wit and warmth, SRK often engages in charming conversations, making each fan feel special. His playful and heartfelt responses continue to delight millions worldwide, whether at events or online.
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan's next project is King, directed by Siddharth Anand, where he will share the screen with Suhana Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, and Abhay Verma. Recently, during an event, SRK officially confirmed that Siddharth Anand will be helming his much-anticipated upcoming film.