Bollywood star Kriti Sanon in a new interview with Ranveer Allahbadia, on his YouTube channel, revealed how she almost had a breakdown while promoting her film, Bhediya, along with fellow star Varun Dhawan.
During the conversation, Kriti said, "Promotions can be very tiring. I almost had a breakdown when I was promoting Bhediya. That year, I had two or three other releases, so I had already done promotions two or three times before. While promoting Bhediya, we were traveling to different cities back-to-back. We even took a charter at night, jumping cities, sleeping at night, going to another city, doing interviews, and repeating the same things again and again. I wished I could have my answers on a tape recorder. Like, dial 1 for this question and 2 for another. By the end of it, both Varun [Dhawan] and I had memorized each other’s answers.”
‘Everyone around me froze’
Recounting the moment when she experienced a breakdown, the actor added, “On the last day of promotions, I was supposed to appear on a reality show. I was getting ready in my vanity van, and during some random conversation, I started crying. I said, ‘I’m very tired; I can’t do this. I’m exhausted.’ Everyone around me froze. Of course, it affects your mental health. Whenever you're doing things that you internally don't make you happy or enjoy doing then you get stress.”