Enigmatic Pakistani actress Mahira Khan has been seen in a video circulating on social media featuring the actress fondly recalling her painful struggles regarding enduring with severe anxiety and manic depression which occurred amid the release of her first Bollywood movie ‘Raees.’
Mahira Khan has lately appeared in an interview session conducted lately, during which the celebrated media personality has made sure to reveal some grim details about the severe mental health conditions to which she has been surviving with for the past 6 years.
Here are the exact declarations put forward by the actress during the span of the show:
"It was the same year when the ‘Raees’ and ‘Verna’ released and the picture thing happened. It broke me. I have could not even sleep, my hands use to shake and all that the scandals and this, it was just so much. One day I had like a panic attack and I fainted and that’s the first time I went for therapy. I was very lucky through I have my friends my family the person I am still with, supporting me. I ended up in a psychiatrist's office, and she said I had manic depression. It’s been six, seven years I've been on antidepressants. I tried leaving them in the middle and went into a very dark space. I'm a very hopeful person, so I understood that there is something beyond me, beyond the prayers that I will do, beyond the friends who will cheer me up, beyond everything. There is something not right, and it's okay."
Here is what netizens think regarding the topic in hand: