Punjab to start random coronavirus testing

By: News Desk
Published: 06:07 PM, 17 Apr, 2020
Punjab to start random coronavirus testing
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The Punjab government has announced that it will start conducting random coronavirus testing in the province in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.

Taking to Twitter, the provincial government announced that it now has the capacity to conduct 4,200 tests each day.

Punjab on Friday reported 30 more cases of the coronavirus, taking the tally to 3,306. Among them 630 patients have recovered and 35 have died so far.


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Earlier on Thursday, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar announced that the province has achieved the capacity of conduction over 42, 00 coronavirus diagnostic tests daily.

In a tweet, Usman Buzdar said that they will soon achieve the capacity of conducting 10,000 tests daily and added that they will carry out random testing in Lahore. He maintained that up gradation of four new laboratories have been completed.