Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed said on Friday that tomorrow (Saturday, April 2, 2022) would be an important day in the country’s political history, reported 24NewsHD TV channel.
He said he was planning to quit politics on Monday (April 4). “Only The Almighty Allah knows where I will be in a few days from now,” he wondered.
Calling the opposition leaders ‘thieves and thugs’, Rasheed said it was unfortunate that they all had ganged- up against Prime Minister Imran Khan. “Even if we are defeated in the no-trust motion, we are not going to give up,” the interior minister said, adding, “Only the men of character stand by their friends in testing times.”
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He also reiterated his resolve that he would continue to support the prime minister firm like a rock. “I cannot leave the premier alone,” he stated categorically.
Rasheed stressed the need for taking decision on holding general elections in the country immediately.