A tweet by Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Syeda Shehla Raza on Tuesday hit the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leadership very hard.
Shehla Raza dropped the hint in her tweet that PTI estranged leader Jahangir Khan Tareen is holding meetings with PPP leaders and is probably going to join Bhutto’s party soon. She said in her tweet that Jahangir Tareen held a meeting with PPP leader Makhdoom Ahmad Mahmood and he would hold a meeting with PPP Co-Cahirman Asif Ali Zardari in Karachi next week. She said that Jahangir Tareen was probably going to announce quitting the PTI and joining the PPP at the upcoming meeting along with his companions. If it really happens, she said, neither Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar nor Prime Minister Imran Khan would survive.
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Jahangir Tareen however was quick to issue a denial. He rejected the reports that he was in touch with the PPP leadership or going to join the Sindh-based party. Reacting to Shehla Raza’s tweet, he said a campaign was being run against him on the social media. He said that reports of his meeting with the PPP leadership were baseless. He said that those behind such news reports would be disappointed.