Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said the nation especially minorities should join his struggle for equal rights in the country as Pakistan cannot go ahead without a rule of law and justice.
According to the 24News HD TV channel, Imran Khan addressed the Minorities Workers Convention in Islamabad on Thursday.
Imran said he will stage a public meeting and celebrate the real independence movement of the PTI on Saturday at Lahore Hockey Stadium.
PTI Chairman Imran Khan said minorities have equal rights in Pakistan and his party was in a struggle for this cause so all the minorities should join his Lahore rally on August 13.
He declared the forced conversions (of girls especially) in Sindh against the teaching of Islam. He announced that following the real Islam, his party will oppose the forced conversion in Pakistan.
He strongly criticized the government's forceful actions against the media persons.
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