Opposition won’t succeed in no-trust move, says Fawad

By: News Desk
Published: 12:40 PM, 13 Feb, 2022
Opposition won’t succeed in no-trust move, says Fawad
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Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry has said that opposition will not succeed in its no-confidence motion against government as all our allies are with us, reported 24NewsHD TV channel.

The minister wrote in a tweet posted on Sunday saying: “Opposition will never succeed in its no-trust motion as all government allies are with it and they repose full confidence in the leadership of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf. We have full strength to defend against opposition’s no-confidence resolution. The PDM lacks unity in its own ranks.”


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Fawad Ch held a meeting with National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaisar on Sunday and exchanged views on varied issues of mutual interests including the current political situation. They also discussed important affairs regarding next National Assembly session. 

Fawad said that the government would respond to opposition’s no-trust move in a constitutional way.