Foreign funding to PTI is international conspiracy against Pakistan: Tarar

By: News Desk
Published: 06:10 PM, 15 Aug, 2022
Foreign funding to PTI is international conspiracy against Pakistan: Tarar
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Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Attaullah Tarar has said foreign funding of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf is actually an international conspiracy against the country, reported 24 News HD Tv Channel. 

Addressing a press conference Monday, the Deputy Secretary General of PML-N said at least 900 cases of child abuse and violations against women occurred during the last three months in the province, but the provincial interior ministry instead of taking strict action against the culprits not only hiding the cases but also engaged in taking revenge against the opposition. The government should announce an emergency and take measures to stop such serious crimes, he added.   

He said Imran Khan had prayed for Modi's victory and also praised Indian foreign policy in his speech at the rally. 

Attaullah said Shahbaz Gill has to pass through the legal procedure.  

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During the Imran era, false cases were made against our leadership, and Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz, Shahbaz, and others endured hardships but did not complain, he remarked. 

He said Pervaiz Elahi became Chief Minister of Punjab on the court decision and now, he is threatening to execute the opponents, he added. 

Atta Tarar further stated that Imran Khan disowned the statement of Shahbaz Gill but did not fire him from his chief of staff slot.  

Our leadership was treated worst in prison but Gill is being provided with best facilities, he concluded. 

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