Lawmakers pay tribute to late Mir Hasil Bizenjo

By: News Desk
Published: 04:31 PM, 21 Aug, 2020
Lawmakers pay tribute to late Mir Hasil Bizenjo
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The Senate and National Assembly of Pakistan on Friday paid tribute to late Mir Hasil Bizenjo who - president of National Party - as fateha was offered for the departed soul in both houses.

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator Sherry Rehman addressed the upper house of the parliament and shared the democratic journey with Mir Hasil Bizenjo. "He was a steadfast person who stood by justice and never misused money and state power," she said.
"Mir Hasil Bizenjo's name will be written in golden letters in history. He always supported democracy and fought against dictatorship. The National Party leader stood by his ideology till the end."

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Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Khawaja Asif addressed the National Assembly and said he shared a close relationship with the deceased. "Mir Hasil Bizenjo struggled for democracy his entire life. He was a non-violent and moderate-tempered leader. I pay tribute to him and request to adjourn the session in his respect and memory," he said.
Let it be known that
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">Mir Hasil Bizenjo had passed away on Thursday. He was a patient of lung cancer and was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Karachi.