Indian music director Wajid Khan, one of the famous duo Sajid-Wajid, passed away at a Mumbai hospital late on Sunday night. He was 42.
Wajid was rushed to the hospital apparently after he complained of severe chest pain and was admitted to the ICU. However, according to some reports, he was suffering from coronavirus and was put on life support after he developed complications. Some reports also suggested he was suffering from some kidney-related health issues before catching coronavirus.
Several people from the Indian film and music industry took to Twitter to announce this sad news and express their emotions for one of the most successful music directors of Bollywood.
Film actress Parineeti Chopra remembered Wajid as the “nicest man”.
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Priyanka Chopra tweeted, “Terrible news. The one thing I will always remember is Wajid bhai’s laugh. Always smiling. Gone too soon. My condolences to his family and everyone grieving. Rest in peace my friend. You are in my thoughts and prayers. @wajidkhan7”
Sleem Merchant said he was devastated by the news of Wajid’s passing away.
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Sona Mohapatra posted on Twitter, “Heartbreaking news. Wajid no more. Spent time on the SRGMP show with him as a co-judge & he was so kind & generous. I know he was ailing for a while, regret not picking up the phone on him in this lockdown. Stunned & sad.”
Journalist Faridoon Shahryar said Wajid was suffering from coronavirus.
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Harshdeep Kaur wrote on Twitter, “Extremely sad to hear about @wajidkhan7 ji… Gone too soon!! May god bless his soul”