Kashmir Premier League (KPL) Director Cricket Operation said that preparations for the Kashmir Premier League are in full swing and the selected players for final trials will be announced immediately after the Eidul Fitr, reported 24NewsHD TV channel on Wednesday.
Timur Khan said PCB, Azad and Jammu Kashmir government and the administration are fully cooperating with KPL. “The players selected in the Timur Khan final trials will be included in the KPL drafting where five Kashmiri cricketers will be selected in each team,” he added.
KPL Director Cricket Operations said floodlights are being installed in Muzaffarabad Cricket Stadium where five pitches of international standard are being prepared along with the grassing work.
KPL is a T20 cricketing event being organized in Pakistan’s most beautiful and mesmerizing venues from August 4 to August 14 in which cricket stars like Shahid Afridi and others are participating in the league of six teams.
Earlier, Kashmir Premier League this February unveiled "The Aazadi Anthem" as their official song for KPL Season-1.
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The Kashmir Premier League is accredited by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).